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Star Wars has Theology, Doctrines and an Online Temple of Jedi Order

Star Wars is not just a hugely popular group of movies but it is more. I came on the following materials that opened my eyes to the deeper levels of this. While I enjoy the movies, I do not obsess over the matters between viewings. Yet there are millions of passionate fans all over the world that have the posters, action figures, and costumes a part of their life. There are untold numbers of fan-based websites that track every detail. Here is an example,_newcomers Disney bought the franchise and will likely produce a movie each year for a very long time. They will also sell products that will appeal to children. So this will be deeply in the thinking of many millions of people for decades. Note that there is no such marketing machine as Disney behind Star Trek, the Matrix or Downton Abbey. I am not saying that all this is bad, evil or wrong. It is a cultural matter that crosses generations and countries. As Chri...

Christian Parent and Grandparent - Can You Use These Helps?

Christian Parent and Grandparent - Can You Use These Helps? As an observer of parents for 64 years, I have concluded that parenting is super difficult. I have never been a parent so I cannot speak from experiences. Yet as an outsider, I have a different and maybe useful perspective. There are more than 99 important ways that each parent can impact each child. Some of those ways are obvious and others are not obvious. Most of those ways during the young years are are obvious and out of response to wants or needs. The less obvious ways are the teaching of meaningful lessons. As a Christian parent, there are additional layers of ways that a parent can impact each child. You have read plenty of Christian parenting books and websites, so I do not need to go there. But, let us be real. Let us notice our shared reality and the powerful trends that will shape the future. We are in what is called a postmodern times. Some call this post-Christian times. As each child b...